Today I took the kids to Kemah for one last summer hurrah. Mondays in July offer half-price kids' all-day ride wristbands. So my mother-in-law and I got wristbands too. Let me just say that carnival rides wreak havoc on already existing headaches. So do loudspeakers, screaming preteens, herds of children with seemingly no manners and no notion of where there appendages are ending up. But...we had a good time. It was good practice for DisneyWorld...if we're ever brave enough to make the trip...
Hi Amanda, thanks for stopping by! It was fun (despite all my complaining). ;)
Disneyworld - we always wanted to take the children to Euro Disney, but never did (so expensive) and now we're in NZ I guess we won't ever make it!
Come for an RWA conference, Sara, then swing over to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand!
(Talk about expensive!)
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