I can't tell you how much it boosts my spirits to have these bright little blooms sitting on my front step. A little spring preview. My favorite are the two-toned grouping.
I like to savor the newness of gardening--those first few days from the nursery where the plants are perfect, covered in healthy buds, with all sorts of promise. As the days go by, actual upkeep is required, and that's not really my strong suit. Particularly in south Texas weather. I hang on as long as I can, but eventually, summer takes over and the plants either run rampant, spurred on by a contingent of die-hard weeds, or else they shrivel up and die under the blazing hot sun.
But spring is lovely. May it come early and last many long months.
There's supposed to be 5 storms in 7 days here, this looks like heaven.
i like the 2 toned one also. let's hear it for spring!
Send spring my way, will you? ;)
We have had spring for the past few days, but it is all ending tonight. I'm not ready to go back to cold weather.
Cute flowers! I cant keep a plant alive to save my life! They all die within a week!
Thanks for you comment on my banana split salad! Oh and the roast pork w/ black beans and yellow rice is VERY VERY easy to make, you should gove it a try!
Ah, flowers! How we miss those now that we're living in Las Vegas. :)
We were 80 last week but twenties tonight.
I miss flowers! I can't really do much beyond container gardening because of the whole apt thing but they're so pretty to look at. Spring, here we come!
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