Thanks so much to everyone who had nice things to say about my blog. I appreciate each and every one of you! That said, maybe you can help me out. Spurred into action by the Christmas decorations already showing up everywhere, an impending roadtrip, and a need for some variety, I am already on the hunt for this year's Christmas CD. Yep, that's right--every year I treat myself to some new Christmas music (assuming I can find a CD that I like). It started in 1998 (I think), with an Old Navy Christmas CD, which I LOVED.

I had a very particular fondness for 'Winter Weather', which is a not often heard holiday song. Well, I had a cassette tape, and I played it so much that the tape snapped, and I've felt it's loss ever since. I've tried to replace it with a new favorite, and came pretty darn close with last year's
Wintersong purchase. But I still miss those Old Navy oldies. While in Target last week, a Michael Buble Christmas album caught my eye, but it only had six songs on it. And then I saw a Kristin Chenowith Christmas CD, but after listening to a few tracks on Amazon, I'm not sure it's the one. I found a contender while surfing the Michael Buble 'Customers Who Bought This...' slider (also on Amazon), but now I can't remember the artist's name. It was a young guy, and I think his last name started with a 'B' (amazingly, these two little bits of info aren't helping all that much). So as you can see, I need some recommendations. I like various styles and am looking for a CD to step up to be this year's Christmas favorite. So lay your suggestions on me. Pretty please.
Addendum: Doesn't that CD cover look lovely on my blog? The colors are perfect. I'm going back to admire...
I've been wanting to buy songs for Christmas by sufjan stevens for a very long time. Maybe this will be the year.
If you don't already own "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby, you simply must address the situation. It's a classic for a reason!
I'm pretty sure that any Christmas album by Rosanne Barr or Britney Spears will certainly fall short of your elevated expectations, and therefore, I do not recommend them at this time.
Ever, actually.
My personal favorite for the past several years has been "Disney's Sing Along Songs - Very Merry Christmas Songs", which conveniently includes the lyrics scrolling at the bottom of the screen in case you are old like me and forgot them all.
We basically listen to it year 'round these days.
It's a great way to connect with your childhood Christmas memories while contemporaneously keeping your children entertained for about 30 minutes so you can finally take that hot shower you have been wanting to take since last Christmas.
In conclusion, if you purchase just one Christmas album featuring both Bing Crosby and Goofy, make it this one.
Check out Aaron Neville's Christmas CD, and also Mannheim Steamroller's. Both full of great stuff.
What a nice idea -- buying a special new Christmas CD every year. As for me, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rendition of "Carol of the Bells" gives me chills every single time. I'm sure the rest of the album is good, too, but I pretty much just put that song on repeat! Then there's Manheim Steamroller, which some people love and some loathe. Perry Como has a good one.
Last year I actually made a Christmas CD, downloading all the songs from iTunes or collecting them from CDs we already owned. That's my favorite because it allowed me to put my absolute favorite version of each song on there -- and NO versions of "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" or "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" because I'm sick to death of both of them.
Songs for Christmas by Sufjan Stevens is MY FAORITE. As is A Charlie Brown Christmas, Ella Fitzgerald Wishes You a Swinging Christmas, Light of the Stable - by Emmylou Harris, AND MY FAVORITE, To Drive The Cold Winter Away by Loreena McKennit. I own many, many Christmas CDs.
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