So now...I'm proud to post a little jpeg and will dutifully follow the rest of the rules (as copied from Vicki):

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Following are seven other blogs on which I'd like to bestow the same award. If you haven't already done so, check 'em out!
1. Blog A Go-Go, Deanna Raybourn's blog, in which I find all sorts of interesting books, music, and life recommendations. (And stay apprised of her really excellent series).
2. Frog and Toad are Still Friends, one of the first blogs I started reading consistently. I've never stopped. Beck's writing is so sweet and sassy and poignant--it's irresistible.
3. Melissa Walker's blog, which keeps me up-to-date on all the new YA books, fashion trends, and general cool stuff.
4. A Place for Originals, group blog of Mary Danielson, Stephanie Janulis, and Kelly Krysten--it's all about writing, books, and life. And sometimes men. These girls have got attitude.
5. Putting the Sara in Sarakastic. This girl has a sense of humor like no one else. Seriously.
6. Eileen Cook's blog. She's always got the low-down on weird stuff happening in the world. And, of course, good books.
7. Tessa Dare's Diary. A lovely journal with lots of good writing information and fascinating hypothetical questions.
Alyssa! Thank you so much. I've actually been terribly bummed out today and that perked me right up. Thanks!
(and I love your blog, too. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting as much lately. See above, re: bummed out.)
Vicki has good taste. I've actually seen this graphic on a few blogs & have wanted one. Thanks so much!
Hey, Alyssa! I'm so happy you like First Edition. We have such a blast putting it together every week.
I think your blog is fantasitc! I'm a religious reader of it. Your posts are always great fun! Keep 'em coming!:)
Why thank you. I love your blog too! My server is down so I'm not doing any blogging while I wait for the very helpful- NOT- tech people to get me back on line. While I wait for it to come up I will think of a good Oscar worthy acceptance speech. I so rarely win awards..
yay, thanks, alyssa! i've posted before about this award, and will update that to link to you as well. happy friday!
I'm loving all these awards. I'm finding many new blogs to read each day.
Just back for another visit - I love your blog - it's full of interesting things to read!
Thank you!! :) It means a lot to get such great feedback from one of my own favorite blogs! I suppose we can't nominate you back but if we could, we would!
Thank you, Alyssa! What an honor. And now I've found some great new blogs to visit!
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