Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In a word: tired

Today I'm tired  (I had to get up quite early) and I just want to look at pretty pictures and imagine all the what if's...

...what if I was crafty...
...what if I was motivated to try to be crafty...
...what if I made fun to-do lists...
...what if I threw caution to the winds...
...what if I worried less about the difficulties and focused more on the delights...

[via]...still in PEI mode

...what if I just took a nap...


Stacy said...

Hope tomorrow is a better day. Eat a cookie and get some sleep!

David Cranmer said...

My sleep was interrupted a couple times last night (Hungarian acrobats) and I'm dragging a bit today myself.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

I'd love a cookie, Stacy...about as much as I'd love a nap! I'll have to settle for some brownie remnants and a Dr. Pepper (for caffeine). :)

I'm not going to pretend I understand the Hungarian acrobats reference, David, but just you wait for the Little Charmer--you'll be tired all the time. A good tired.

Sarakastic said...

I saw the second picture the other day and thought that was what my dream wedding would look like except ya know with ninjas.

Anonymous said...

I'm always seeing other people's clever things and wishing I were crafty. Alas, I am not. But I do admire their skills.

Jillian said...

I so want to cut hearts out of marshmallows now!