Inspired by this post, I've decided to post my own wishes.
I'd love to be strolling through here...
seeing sights like these...
wearing this...
and these...
and snacking on a little of this...

A journal on the in's and out's, up's and down's, and twists and turns of writing, self-publishing, and life.
Now that is my idea of perfect!
Fun post.
And I agree with you on all of it except the Starbucks beverage. :)
Stacy, Starbucks is only an occasional splurge for me...this was a picture of a gingerbread chai tea latte. Mmmm. :)
Ah, I dig the boots. Yep, I'm a boots kind of guy. I buy the wife truckloads.
I definitely need some boots. Every year I wish I had another pair, and every year I say, 'maybe next year...' Maybe this year I'll convince myself.
Oh those bootS!
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