It's hot. And humid. Welcome to Houston and its six months of summer...blech! Usually we try to arrange a summer vacation that involves us traveling to a location with a bit of relief from the heat, but this summer we have no such plan. This summer, my husband has suggested Schlitterbahn Waterpark in South Padre. South Padre, while on the Gulf of Mexico, is even further south than we are and thus, is quite hot as well. Of course we'll be in the water, but still...
As a result, I'll spend the next six months (give or take) being jealous of everyone living in a cooler climate or vacationing in one. These are the sorts of images that have been flashing through my brain with disturbing regularly of late:

Can anyone pinpoint the locales?
I too will do some sweating this summer as I am heading to Vegas in both July and August. Though I do plan to squeeze a trip to the mountains of New Mexico inbetween.
You need to move here. It's going to rain until September and then it will be winter for 8 months. AWesome.
Heat's one thing, but heat mixed with humidity? Awful. Hope you enjoy your trip to the water park! As for the pictures, I'm guessing that the last one is Prince Edward Island, judging by the color of the dirt. (It looks like something from the Anne of Green Gables movie, which I still adore.)
You're right, Caryn! The other two are slightly ambiguous--even I can't pinpoint them exactly. I was really trying to specify whole (cooler) chunks of the country.
I'm with you on the hot weather. It's nothing to wake up to 92-94 degrees in the early morning only to have it rise from there during the day, where I live.
Um, right there with ya on dreaming of cool. I've even been thinking reeeally fondly of my old San Francisco days, even though a large part of why I didn't really like living there was the year-round cold weather.
Also, I done tagged you! :) (Visit my blog to see, if you wanna)
i'd rather be in south padre than in galveston! :) talk about "bleh".
Wow, those pics are GORGEOUS!
I'm a teacher in Austin, but each summer I spend a good chunk of time in RI (where some of my family is) or on a vacation out of the country (when I can afford it).
I'm another victim of Catherine's tag and thought I'd say hello!
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