Luckily, I've found these perfect file folders to help me with that last task (you can click on the photo to see the snarky little captions). I still haven't decided what should go in them...but I'm hoping it occurs to me soon. I also have a variety of blank journals I need to find uses for. I love journals, but I can never decide what to use them for. It's like I'm saving them up for something, but I don't know what it is. Maybe I'll dedicate one to brainstorming. Trouble is, I'm better at getting things down via keyboard. When I try to do it with a pen and paper and my head is swirling with ideas, my writing slowly deteriorates into a scribbled mess, which of course, I don't want marring my lovely little journals. It's a problem, I know.
I'm also trying to decide on color combinations for my redesigned website/blog. I've read that green is the easiest color on the eyes, but somehow I'd like to work some red in as well (even just a little would be good), and generally speaking, I don't think red and green really go together. If I can figure out a good way to do it, I'll post some combinations and ask for your opinions on the aesthetic.
Now, off to call the rain-out number to see if the boys' came is cancelled tonight...
Ohmigosh I LOVE those comments. Good luck with all your tasks. :)
I'm thinking of buying a Dana.
Hey, are you interested in posting a side dish or salad or desert recipe next Wed. (July 2). To get ready for July 4 picnics. Let me know. I'll link to you.
I don't have any need for file folders but I need THOSE file folders because they are awesome.
I've heard that lavender is easiest on the eyes & several people have tried to convince me that red & green go together because they are across from each other on the color wheel. Just go with what you like & the redesign will be fantastic.
I am taking next week off and on my list of things to do during my at home vacation is to organize my office.
Now I just need to find those folders!
The folders are fabulous! I love that sort of thing. And of course they need to have the right thing in them. :)
Green is my favorite color so I'm all for you doing green! And I think green and red can go together if you do it in the right way. Or if you have more than just green and green/red/black/white or something. Or, since they're opposite on the color wheel (apparently) one can technically be the accent of the other so you could have a website that's predominantly red with green accents or vice versa.
I've heard really good things about the Dana. I'm a perpetual editor so not so good for me.
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