Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Books!

Okay. I hope no one got too excited about 'the books I got for Christmas'. There were only four--four good ones, but just four. They are as follows:

1. Flip Dictionary. Mentioned on Barrie's blog, I checked it out on Amazon, thought it sounded perfect for me, and promptly asked my brother for it. I've only had a few moments to page through it, but it looks right up my alley. It's a dictionary for people who have an inkling of the word they're looking for, but can't quite pinpoint it. I also like how it has lists of things, like fruit, fabric, and mythological creatures, just in case you need the big picture.

2. An Exultation of Larks. My husband and I heard about this book on that NPR show about words--imagine that, I can't think of what it's called right now--and I knew immediately I had to have it. It's from my husband. In essence, it's a book about groupings or classifications. For example: a bunch of larks is called an exultation. I'll be posting a selection of my favorites shortly.

3. Neptune Noir. A Smart Pop Series book from BenBella Books, with essays on the recently cancelled Veronica Mars television series. I'm fascinated by that show and wanted some further insights. Also from my brother.

4. Blind Submission. I noticed this, a Bookmarked book, while shopping for others in Target. The same day, my mom asked me what was on my Christmas list. My return email listed only this book. It's basically about a mix-up/mystery at a publishing house. I scanned the back cover, the quotes, etc, not to mention checking it on Amazon, but that's really all I want to know. I'm sure I'll be posting about it at some future point.

And that's it. Anyone else get any good books...?


Julie S said...

I only got two books for Christmas, New Moon (sequel to Twilight) and a vegan recipe book. My husband received Pontoon by Garrison Keillor.

The Flip Dictionary sounds like something I need to buy!

Lucy said...

The only books I got were the ones I stole in the white elephant game at our chapter party.

Happy Anniversary, by the way. :)

Trish Ryan said...

I love the sound of the one about the bunches of birds...that's brilliant!

Vicki said...

I didn't get any new books for Christmas. I do have the Flip Dictionary though and love it. :D

Travis Erwin said...

The Flip Dictionary is great. One of my old critique partners bought it for me a few years back.

Barrie said...

Hi Alyssa! I think you'll LOVE the Flip dictionary. Let me know. Thank you for mentioning my blog. :)

And...Happy New Year! Here's to a year of words!

Barrie said...

Collective nouns? Is that the expression you were looking for to describe An Exultation of Larks??? Suddenly popped into my mind. Not sure why...