I’ve been once for work. I flew into Birmingham and immediately flew out and into Glasgow. I was sick for the better part of a week, until, still feeling quite under the weather, I ventured out on my last weekend day. I took the train to Edinburgh, thoroughly enjoyed the countryside, and came up out of the station onto a city caught between yesterday and today. I absolutely loved it! Including the banana ‘milkshake’ I bought that ended up only being banana-flavored milk. That was years ago, and no opportunity has since presented itself for me to return. My husband is much more interested in the Caribbean than in wet, windy, chilly Britain, and now he worries about terrorist attacks. One day, I’ve promised myself, I’ll go back. I’ll visit London and do all the touristy things, see for myself all those landmarks mentioned in all the Regencies. I’ll tour the countryside and visit the castles, take a walking tour and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Until then, I can but read about it….I just finished the cheeky Cinderella tale

The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne and thought it was top-notch. Now I’m reading Cecilia Ahern’s If You Could See Me Now. It’s pulled me right in. I also occasionally watch the British-set home and garden shows on HGTV. I’d watch more if I were more conscientious and looked at the guide. (And if my husband ever relinquished control of the remote). I love to hear the quirky phrasing, proper accents and lilting rhythm--I even imagine it all as I'm reading. Friday I bought myself some tea to eat with biscuits, but I’ve yet to buy the biscuits. For now the lemon cooler Girl Scout cookies I bought will have to do.