Thursday, June 15, 2006

A smidge more ranting

Well, I managed to get over my mixed-message contest scores just in time to get my first brutal review. I just stumbled over it on Amazon, and I’m rather proud to say that it didn’t upset me in the least. Sure it is slightly disappointing to get that first one... So I guess to clarify, I just wasn’t particularly concerned about the specifics.

The part I found a little amusing was where she expounded upon all the ‘coincidences’ in the book (most of which I didn’t consider the least bit coincidental), and she said something to the effect that she could almost see the author pulling the strings. Isn’t that kind of the author’s job??? I mean, if she doesn’t do it, who will? There’s not much story without a little behind the scenes work.

I will say that the reviewer was open-minded enough to include a smidge of praise. And she condescended to say that she might just give me another chance. What more could I ask for?

Now that that’s off my chest…

I’ve just finished a fabulous book. I picked up And Only to Deceive? By Tasha Alexander simply because I read a review of it that said ‘Had Jane Austen written The Da Vinci Code, she may well have come up with this elegant novel. How intriguing is that? I must say, I was not disappointed. The writing was elegant, the plot intriguing, the suspense gripping, and the ending…perfect. All that, with just a touch of romance. I will very much be looking forward to her next book.

Onward and upward!

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