Now for today...
One afternoon recently I imagined that I really didn’t have time to get into my writing because my sons were only going to play unattended for so long without needing intervention. Well, I was totally wrong, so instead of writing, I got a lot of aimless surfing done. One thing led to another and so on and so forth. Anyway, while I was looking for something totally unrelated, I discovered this book:

Incognito by Suzanne Allain. First of all, I love the cover. And secondly, I read a couple of Amazon reviews (which are very good, by the way) and was intrigued. So, of course, I surfed over to the author’s site and was fascinated by the story of the book.
Basically, AOL Time Warner launched a venture called iPublish where authors submitted their works to be judged and reviewed by other authors. Those works generating the most interest would then be published, first in ebook format and then in paperback. Ms. Allain’s book was one of nine chosen and published before iPublish folded. So…her book (originally offered for $2!) is still available in both formats, and quite frankly, it looks great! I plan on adding it to my next Amazon order. (I found it almost immediately after placing my last order). Ms. Allain has not published any more books but is planning to someday...
I was also reading Publishers Lunch recently and discovered another author: Kathleen McGowan who first self-published her Mary Magdalene novel The Enchanted One, before it was picked up by Simon and Schuster. I like to keep my eye on self-publishing successes and trends—I still haven’t decided whether to try and go the traditional route with my next book or stick with self-publishing and use up some more of my ISBN block…
I didn't know you were a "pusher". You see, I have a book buying addiction - very low resistance (which is why I have a HUGE TBR pile).
And now I have to have another book. LOL
I know exactly how you feel...
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